Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Enjoy Every Single Day

It's been a while since my last update
Maybe I am so happy with my life now that I have no time to update my blog? haha 
well~ now I am officially a university student

University life is different with highschool but not at all 
I think in university I feel more freeeeeee 
Freedom everywhere lol 
Not freedom in a bad meaning though
but it's the good one
This freedom make me become more responsible with my duty
I have to know when to play and when to study
Arrange everything by myself without complaining too much
Become more mature every single day because I am not a kid anymore now 
I feel life become harder, more complicated
But I learn to face it, to solve every problem without crying

I think now I am better at handling my difficulties 
I become more confident and calm!
now I am not the person that is nervous to die hahaa though I still always feel nervous
But now I can handle my nervousness better uaaa what a good change!
I feel like I become better in socializing with others and 
Now I am much more active than beforeeee

I still feel afraid but it's not a problem anymore because it won't prevent me to do what I wanna do
and won't prevent me to achieve my dream :D

Now I even become a shameless person because I chat my crush omg hahaa
I don't how I could do that because we have never know each other though I know he knows me because we're in the same unit 
and he also smiled at meeeeeeeeee lol
Well I don't care if it's really shameless or not at least now he know meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and that's what I want hahahah

Okay that's all the thing that I can share about my life now
Now I am the person who can enjoy more things in life and I feel  happier!
So I just want to tell you 
Don't be too serious about life. It may seems not fair, It may seems cruel
But It's good enough to be lived
If you had a bad day, just think about every blessing that you have received from God
Have a nice day!
and this is a bonus! one of my favorites motivational quotes
Hope it can be the answer of all your insecurities and worries. cheer up!

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