Monday, November 3, 2014

Just Random Motivations

If you can't motivate yourself, then who are going to do it for you?
No one can motivates me, except myself.

I always learn not to give up everytime I fail. and I really did it
although sometimes it's hard to get up, but finally I could make it, I could get through the hard times.
I believe God always sees our hardwork. If we have done our best then everything must be alright. But sometimes eventhough we've already done our best, we still could fail. It's not because we're dumb or what. but I know God has another plan. God wants us to be a stronger person, 

God teach us not to give up, but keep struggling no matter what.
I always thanks God for not let me giving up. If I gave up, I won't be here now. If I gave up that time, I wouldn't enter one of the best University in my country. 
I learn that failure is not the end, but the beginning of a success, and most of all give up doesn't count as a choice to be chosen!
I feel like I have nothing in my life, I am not a talented person, I am not really smart though.
Sometimes I envy with others that have a lot of talents. I feel useless. 
But if I just envy with people, then it means I really a useless girl. But I realize that I am not
I know God loves me, He must give me some talents. Then what I should do is evolve it all.
I will do my best for everything in my life. I will reach my dreams so it won't be just a dream, I will make them come true!

I won't giving up just because I got a badscore, I have to be thankful though, my score is not bad, but it's just not reach A. But I still have a chance, I will do better on the next test. 
I have to fight my fears because I am not afraid to try, but I am afraid to fail. 
I have to get rid of that thoughts, because it will just hamper me. 
I just need to do my best and not worry about anything.

Sooooooooo I am going to say to you all, never give up on your dream or you will regret it and remember "YOU CAN NOT DO IT,FIGHTING!!" 

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